Wednesday, August 27, 2008

...Untitled Forever...

“Flowers will bloom again…”
Two trembling rosebuds trickled…
And the rest is…they say life…

Murky days hailed winter evermore
For the Virgin Island spawned cold,
Smoldered all for none could see,
In pretence, inane dreams linger on…

The silver lining goblet never died
All night long,
…throughout the night undead…

Undead were dreams…
And then dead…
Some inane words born,
Awaited the unseen dawn,
Preached some unforgiven and gone.

Undead be the footprints now,
Inane be the silver lining goblet,
For the Virgin Island hailed the unforgiven,
Smoldered all for none could see,
In pretence, tears linger on…

Flowers did bloom again (but somewhere else)…
A rose thrown there will tell a story,
And the rest will be…they say life…

Thenceforth Melancholy

The ardent tale thenceforth
Magpies embowered,
The whiff of blush lost
Among some syllables of a cursed haiku.
Enshrouded truths and the impaired self
Rest upon the elixir,
Upon the relics of my will.
And the shenanigans of wind insolent conspire,
Their figments,
The Leaping Light,
I scorn…
My fiasco, my ail,
The void wistful longing,
In an impaired bloodstained strand,
Ravens embowered.

Death Wish

Lingering on all to end
Alone in the ebon I cry,
While others see stars…
I see vultures in my sky.

Taken aback to
By each of my remaining breath
Where these wounded eyes could see,
The cremation of my heart…
…The end of being me…

The Shadow

“Remember friend as you walk by
As you are now so once was I
As I am now you will surely be
Prepare thyself to follow me.”

-Anonymous (Epitaph)

Butchery of a beating flesh anew
Bathing in scarlet
Beheld for years till carmine it grew
Pitch-dark now the pyre devoured
To ashes…till ashes…
And left was a shadow fagged and cold…
Revered to cut a hole
To the other side or so,
Seeking the morrow of an endless night,
Bathing in gloom
Beheld as nights to decades grew
Memories growled in the murky sky
“Seen it after the ashes and before…”
Said the shadow
And sat on the tombstone evermore…

To My Pen

Eclipse be on my land
In the ages to see
Rubicon itself shows the way-
To the other side of the day;
The ravaged heart in a savage sea
Ruminates its sheen vicinity...
Once flowers blossomed
Where now some corpses lay,
Being the inhumed hooligan's prey
Few sordid words
Cynic, restless,
Fly away...

The Almighty Dead

The paradise corpses filled
Descending sober warmth of tears
Desolation with never-ending nights accompanied…
A darkling crawled into a heart,
Another to a brain…
Tell thy God to dwell
Or back to seventh hell,
Made a coffin,
Buried being killed.

Trash’s what they say,
Dead’s what thee pray,
Cerebral assassin’s crossroads led my way
And beheld
The almighty lynch…
Crept darkness to the bosom so cold,
Blacked out senses in the remnants.
The brothel of lives is amissed now
Nights to be worshiped all day.

Ichor dried as all colors fade,
Gloom poured as rain,
For lost is heaven’s throne.
Pity the world from the Virgin Island
Clad in the memories of a slayer
I wander in the warmth of my tears alone…
Dark clouds in the dark sky for none to care
A darkling I worship now,
For God is dead.


Drenched with the fragrance of emotions
Few words sang in a shining spree...
But O words, thou to strange vicinity belong
Flattered to the fullest
But what thou far from me....

Here to my comrade I convey
The babbles of a juvenescent blaguer,
A long debased night where
Darkness myriad be...
Dawned the spring for some unforgiven...
They said,
"Let His Life Star-Crossed Be..."

Devoid of the sun, few unspoken words
Stalked the Polestar,
But even the sky they couldn't see.
Some specter gray seasons bleak followed then,
Cynic winds blew,
The morbid blood that in the torn veins ran
Sang the doomed elegy...

But avid were the words still,
Gravid were what they limned,
Searching still
For the silver dawning in the desolate night...

But followed only a dark aurora
Of Murk, Resentment, Rogue.....Death...
Red was, Red is the 'reason' called Life
Red, the color of Hell be.
Ah! They doomed me right,
Star-Crossed are my words,
Star-Crossed is my life,
Star-Crossed is me.

*Star-crossed: Cursed.

**Dedicated to a great friend of mine for sharing her kindest WORDS about me .

A Girl Named Everywhere

For a mere glance
Escaping from the bed of roses went around
And caged a millions worth red,
The serene smell of roses all the way
Led to a place called heaven…
For a mere glance
Caged two lives dreaming new,
For a mere glance
It was you…
Looked up to the moon
The clouds embracing what they hide
What’s their worth,
Saw in halo’s flute as they danced,
Clouds made way for the moon to shy,
Looked up to the moon,
Looked up to the stars too,
I Looked up
And it was you…
Floated following the raindrops’ trail
And met a stream of smile
Some dreams, some feelings for a while,
Along came two spoonful of sea,
Floated a bed of roses and I slept and dreamt,
Someone played the flute,
I dreamt a heaven
And it was you…
The chest opened and closed
And the serene smell and the flute are there still;
For all I feel are
Two empty hands and few moments of worthless history…
Penned some words again and again
And remains came through,
Shed some tears
And they are,
And they will be…you...